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Born 1998 in Ibaraki, Japan. Graduated from the Graduate School of Engineering in Tohoku University (Master)." He has a strong interest in "the moment when people spontaneously feel, think and act in response to the real world". That motivated him to specialise in materials science at university and researched materials for the realisation of all-solid-state batteries. Currently, while working for a general electronics manufacturer, he uploads tech-related podcasts and creates artworks that utilise his expertise.

1998 年茨城県生まれ。東北大学大学院工学研究科卒(修士)。”人が実世界に対して自発的に感じ考え行動する瞬間”に強い関心を持ち、大学では材料科学を専攻。全固体電池実現のための材料開発を行う。現在は、総合電機メーカーで勤務する傍ら、素材のように親しみやすいデバイスをテーマに作品制作を行なっている。

・2017-2021 Tohoku University, Faculty of Engineering

・2021-2023 Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Science

Youtaro Sakamoto, Akihiro Ishii, Takashi Shiratori, Itaru Oikawa, Hitoshi Takamura, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 457, 2023, 142488, ISSN 0013-4686.

科学 × 工藝の共創の発見 - 感性の現象、現象の感性を解く -

2023/6/23-2023/6/25 せんだいメディアテーク

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